The Listed history of TheLastWarrior ScarClaw72. All events here have passed and documented as time goes on. This place recieves new event posts updates regularly so as time passes check now and again for additions to the list. It is categorized by Era, and Event.

TheLastWarrior's History

ScarClaw72 takes on the biggest challenge he has ever faced. When a the Warrior's home world falls and a great threat drops their numbers to nearly nothing, the fate of the Multiverse may hang in balance.
A time of struggle and pain for the remaining warriors.
The Fall of Krogan IX (Warrior Event)
After a relentless assualt on Krogan IX, The homeworld of Warriorhood, Dr. Dread decided he had had enough and used his ultra-laser from the Dreadship to completely destroy the planet. Me and my team barely made it out in time on a ship, but however RoseHeart failed to reach the shuttle with us and was presumed dead when the planet gave way and blew up. We like to believe other warriors made it out, but we have not heard word of any. Many lives were lost and a crushing blow to warriors everywhere took us down to our knees.
The Homeworld of the Warriors Falls and many lives are lost within the planet's debree.
The Chicago Incident (Warrior Event)
We were called in to ward off Dr. Dread who had made his way to Earth and was attacking the city of Chicago, Ohio. Despite saving most of the city, Dr. Dread led the other warriors into a trap. They were captured and taken away with Dread. He said he would return in a year and launch his full invasion on us all. He went into Hyperspace and left me and brother.
A long battle through the terrorized city leads to the other warrior's capture.
TheLastWarrior is Born (Warrior Event)
Upon returning home after a painful and difficult fight, my brother could only make it worse. He admitted his abandonment of Warriorhood and took himself into exile. He said his loyalty to the Phoenix was too high for a Warrior. He left without another word, and for once I was alone. The last able warrior with all the fate within his hands. That night I took on the title TheLastWarrior as a symbol for the last hope of the Multiverse.
A lone warrior holds the entire fate of the Multiverse.
The Three Evils (Minecraft Event)
This moment was a life changer for Steve. His destiny unraveled in a near universe destroying scenario. Accidently unleashing an ancient evil named Herobrine, he must pull together his losses and, with the help of some new friends, stop him and prevent an apocolypse from striking the entire world. See "Minecraft: The Three Evils" under the MC Projects menu for the whole story.
Three ancient evils are released and Steve's destiny unfolds.
MobFusionUltimate (Minecraft Event)
During the events of The Three Evils I was called in by the Phoenix to help aid Steve but things went dark. I never made it too him and worse i managed to be captured by Herobrine. It was no mystery to him who I was. He knew I was a Warrior and in an attempt to take control of me, he loaded DNA from several mobs into me, giving me a special ability of each piece of DNA and also permanetly altering my appearance. I escaped but anytime I lose control my body turns into a red and Herobrine imbued figure and turn to at his command. I was more successful that his previous experiment: a mummified zombie.
A permanent mark of Herobrines evil changes me forever.
Gooko and Venom (Warrior Event)
During a sentimental visit to a Warrior Monument on Heratonia, I discovered the place had been taken over by Maros. Taking them out and freeing up the place also led me to find Gooko and Venom who had been held captive. Explaining the situation I was faced with, they agreed to help me in my fight against Dread and a start of a team was born.
A team starts to form with two people who decide to help me against Dread.
Saved by Dragons (Warrior Event)
During a scouting run on one of Heratonia's moons, I was investigating an abandon facility of the Protectors. I was gathering intel, but I set off an alarm and was caught. I was cornered into a corridor by Dreadbots until A large burst of open flame burned there inner workings. It appeared to be from a small fire dragon. She was with somebody else too, Andy. It was the first time I had seen him since he was only a year old. Explaining both there parents had been killed by D-bots and they had been struggling to stay alive in the city, I recruited them with Gooko and Venom into my team.
I meat Andy and Inferno who become recruited into my team
The Creation of Claws (Warrior Event)
Despite starting to grow a team I still was worried. A few of us could not take on a whole army. I became mentally isolated by fear. It drove me mad and I felt that I needed another warrior. Out of control I took the spirit animal DNA from me and Created a clone with it. The only problem was I would not normally have intentionally done this and it violates The Code of Jahkum. When I finally regained my sanity I was too late, it was already done. I spoke to the clone and told him the situation. I came of with an allaby and he became Claws. Taking a different path though he is not actually the same as me, he is unique in his own way. But discovery of the incident would push things to Hell. We had to keep it secret.
Fear can even drive Warriors mad
The Egg (Warrior Event)
On a search for a Peros Flower on Hetrusto to help heal Claws who had fallen under the ice on planet Gous (ohw-se), I found a lone object laying in a field. As I aproached it, I noticed it was a dragon egg. I could not find anyone within sight, I managed to find a Peros Flower nearby and i took it, along with the egg, back to base. Until we found the owner of the egg, we had to protect it. It is what Warriors do.
An abandoned egg on a forgotten
The Lost Carrion (Warrior Event)
Dealing with numerous dreadbot strikes for many months we finally found where they were originating, We spent a long week running a series of Ops to take the Carrion class dreadbot cruiser out of commision. On September 5, 2014, At 5:27 PM The carrion was obliterated. However a bunch of the dreadbot fleed, we intend to eventually find out where they plan to go, incase something else is still out there in the dark.
The source of many attacks lead us to a forgotten warship of Dread's
TheLastWarrior or Not? (Warrior Event)
I was running a espionage Op on a space station of Dread's. Inside the primary database I found something that said something astonishing. The other Warrior's are alive and are being held captive through various prisons orbiting the area. I was thankful but also had to accept the possibility it was just a trap of Dr. Dread's.
A clue to the whereabouts of the captive Warriors
Torn Ops (Warrior Event)
My brother had been exiled from Warriorhood and it had been a while since I had saw him. To my surprise he returned and showed me something. When he was gone he had not abandoned the problem of Dread and actually put together an alliance, led by a few who are with the Phoenix Legion (The Phoenix Worshipers), called Torn Ops. I forgave my brother finally after he quit Warriorhood. It was real proof that he still cared.
My brother returns with something that might just save us all
HalkStalker and EagleEye (Warrior Event)
Being led by the clue we had found, me and my team sent out to one of the prisons that was not far from the location of the Carrion we had destroyed. After fighting through very heavy security, we reached a cryo-chamber. Inside one of the tubes I found HawkStalker, and in another was EagleEye. I freed them and during our escape filled them in on the situation.
Rescuing Halk and Eagle starts to bring back hope
RavenWing and NightHunter (Warrior Event)
After having no luck at another two local prison facilities, we finally managed to find another one that was set up similarly to the one in which Eagle and Hawk were in. After fighting through we found a similarly set up room with RavenWing and NightHunter in it. We set them free but during the escape I got injured badly and nearly passed out while we were still inside.
This are looking up as we rescue the rest of our team
Lonely Reunion (Warrior Event)
Following the rescue Ops for the other Warriors, it seemed right enough to celebrate a little bit. I had to admit it was nice seeing the other Warriors back, but things just didn't seem right without RoseHeart. Without her the team would never truly be back.
As we celebrate getting our Warrior team back together, I feel a sad longing for Rose
TheLastWarrior No More? (Warrior Event)
I earned the title TheLastWarrior because I was the only Warrior thought to still be alive during the time. I knew it would be brought up, and it did. Do I get to keep my title as TheLastWarrior? The reason for it was gone, but it had become iconic to me. Upon Halk’s request, I consulted the Phoenix finally and waited with much anticipation. After I received a response I fill with relief, The Phoenix allowed it.
Do I lose my title?
The Storm (Warrior Event)
We received devastating news that the planet Gensar had been devoured by all consuming parasitic being known as the corrupt. It consumed over half the planet we got there. We managed to save most of the inhabitants but the planet itself was consumed. A sad loss for them but we found planet far from anyone Dread’s activity to relocate them to. It was the only thing we could do at that point.
A planet falls under siege by the Corrupted
The Second Carrion (Warrior Event)
Following the relocating the Gensarians, we were faced with a new challenge, finding the source of the Corrupted outbreak. Scouting runs around Gensar led us to an asteroid that was orbiting a nearby planet. A look inside one of the tunnels showed a hidden Carrion cruiser. The entire thing was infected by the Corrupted. We blew it up incinerating the infection onboard, but a creepy reality rose. Could it have been Dr. Dread who released the Corrupted? And if so what was he doing with it.
The source of the attack is sought out and destroyed
Secrets Awaken (Warrior Event)
Following the previous events, I sought out more info about the corrupted and went to the Library of the Warriors. There was an old book with info about the Corrupted. Everything I picked out is as follows. At the beginning of time, the Phoenix created the Multiverse. The Phoenix represent light, but there was something that represented darkness. It's called the corrupted. The corrupted consumes everything. If it consumes non living they become black and a meshy color that continuously swirl, and scramble around the surface. These are known as Madrè. If a living or once living creature is consumed, then the Corrupted Is able to imbue more of its pure form and grows wrinkly, bloated brown or tan skin. It retains a massive mouth with incredibly sharp teeth, these are known as overskins. They can also merge with one another to further mutate the biomass. There are three different “Mothers” in a sense of the corrupted. The Raze Dragon is a mix of a Madrè and an overskin, and it has a long neck with a massive height of nearly 2000 feet. It's scaly overskin protects the Madrè side of it, it does not have wings though. It focuses on Expansion. The Bloated Storm is a giant ball of paper pure Madrè energy. While it does not actually have a solid form, many tentacles sprout on it from a core. It is nearly 6200 feet across, and It focuses it Creates more corrupted. The final one is The Omega Beast, which is actually multiple creatures. They are each 200 feet tall, and it has a tan overskin but is also covered in a red liquid that is emitted from it's eyes. It's purpose is to Kill.
Everything I found about the Multiverse's greatest threat
Spike (Warrior Event)
We had taken good care of the egg we had found abandoned. After a while or so It hatched, but things were weird. The dragon inside had not been just born, in fact it seemed to been several (dragon) years old. He was in a coma, thankfully Rose quickly removed it. He awoke in confusion. He said his name was Spike. But he could not remember anything else. A closer examination of the fake egg fragments led Gooko to discover it was actually Dheroniplast . He agreed to join the team in hopes he might discover something about his past, and let him remember.
A large mystery is shrouded within a false dragon egg
A Dangerous Night (Warrior Event)
Spike and Inferno were out testing out a new invention of Gooko’s, a suit that can withstand subzero temperatures and is water tight, while also allowing you to move faster underwater. They were testing it under a frozen lake on Fhuro. Spike dove in wearing the suit, at first things were going well. But Spike's suit got caught on a stone and the suit tore. Spike's body was exposed to freezing temperatures. Scared, without thinking, Inferno dove in after him. She managed to drag him out, but her red skin turned to a mute maroon color. Spike could not have made it out himself, but Inferno received much worse injuries than Spike did after it ended.
A terrible accident over a semi-frozen lake
Spikes Omen (Warrior Event)
I had a Calldream one night. Inside it the Phoenix spoke to me, it requested I bring spike to a Cosmic Stone and meet with it. I followed the instructions the Phoenix had relayed to me, me and Spike arrived on Reunos. We found a Cosmic Stone there and used it to contact the Phoenix. I remember the Phoenix telling us something about spike, an omen. His destiny would begin to unfold. It was the only thing it said before it disapeared.
The Phoenix opens a prophecy of Spike's
Heart Pedals (Warrior Event)
During an Op on a station of Dread's, something amazing happened. We were searching through it, looking for a data chip. Once we found it though, the D-bots stopped attacking us and rain for the hanger. They seemed like something more valuable had to be escorted off the station. We approached the hanger and something made me gasp. On the metal floor was a flower pedal, and dyed into it was a bright red heart. I picked it up carefully in dismay. A large realization ran through my head, Rose is alive.
A sign of Rose that made us gasp
A Heart Warming Return (Warrior Event)
Nearly immediatly after gaining control of the Station, I knew We had to save rose. Me and Claws grabbed an extra shuttle and followed the ship that had left off in it's hurry, while the others took care of the data chip. We could not abandon the old mission, but rescuing RoseHeart was equally important. We used the shuttles cloaking engine to hide it as we neared the other shuttle. Once we were near it, I made a mad jump from it to the other one. I got inside and took out all the Dreadbots and then once the smoke cleared I saw a familiar face I had not seen in so long, Rose was back.
We reunite with RoseHeart
Explanation Needed (Warrior Event)
Once RoseHeart returned everyone felt happy. But one thing bothered us all, how did she survive the fall of Krogan IX? Upon asking her she told us that magic is a very powerful tool. She used all her energy to encase herself in a nearly indestructable force field and held it through the explosion. She used the remaining mana she had left to land herself on the moon of Krogan IX. She was left uncounscious for a day or two, before someone helped her up. It was an elder Warrior, but after she got better he disapeared. He never would admit to who he was, just that he was an elder Warrior.
Rose shared how she survived the destruction of Krogan IX
Outbreak at the Temple (Warrior Event)
Amidst the planet's destruction, the moon of Krogan IX managed to stay intact with the Warrior Temple hidden safely on it. However the planet's destruction drove one of the Gaurdians there mad and they took control of the temple. We arrived and managed to take out the rogue Gaurdian and free the temple.
A Rogue gaurdian infests the Temple on the lone moon of Krogan IX

Dr. Dread finally returns with a massive army to attemt to gain control over the Multiverse. The Warriors, with the help of Torn Ops, go to a full scale war. A last stand for all, secrets unravel as the war drags on.
A Large War Between Torn Ops and Dr. Dread
A Cautious Time
It is Holiday season for the people here on Earth, but we have to keep our eyes out. I am in with the season celebrations too, but my duty as a Warrior comes first. Dread knows this is a festive time for us and would likely plan a heavy strike while we are away from the war. This risk is meaning we must actually increase our watch rather than lower. Its a difficult but necessary step if we don't want to be taken off gaurd.
Earth culture in America opens for Holidays but The Warriors must remain vigillant
The Battle (Warrior Event)
On June 24th, 2015 Dr. Dread Showed himself with a massive army of D-bots. Battle broke out high above planets, as well as on them. The firefight went on for 37 hours. Over the course of it I stayed with Gooko at HQ and monitored the events. I recorded various audio logs but after 18 hours in Gooko was urging me to get some rest while he took over. When I woke up again I was told something difficult they had just discovered. Dread’s army outmatched Torn Ops 4:1. Not long after that things started taking a bad turn.
Two large armies clash throughout the Multiverse
Driven Back (Warrior Event)
As Torn Ops Forces were overwhelmed we had to retreat closer to the center of the Multiverse. Dread managed to surround us, we were all circled around the center with him trying to choke us. Despite having to fall back though, we managed to put up a better defense since we were all more clustered.
We retreat a little after being overwhelmed by Dreadbots
Lost in Darkness (Warrior Event)
During an expedition through the Readure Universe, a Universe where Warriors and Humans to, are set into the form of their Readure Spiritual Being. In my case a cat. I was out there with Claws, but I managed to get captured by Dread. I woke up inside a facility, There were tons of others in there as well. I managed to bolt out and I made a dash for the forest. I saw another one who also managed to escape. They told me that they were on a mission to help stop the problems going in within the woods. I asked for her name but she only told me an acronym: GNO. She insisted that we rescue the rest of the captives, one of which was a friend of hers. I did not disagree there, that is my duty. After freeing them, we spent a few days there in the forest freeing prisoners from various facilities. Gooko and Venom even came in to help.
Mayhem spins up in the Readure universe
The Forest (Warrior Event)
After freeing the other captives, there was one other known facility left. We headed to check it out as we were no closer to discovering the motivation behind all the kidnapping and also finding Claws. The place was much larger than the others, much more guarded and very different compared to the others. This figures that it was the source of it all. We fought our way through, past many dreadbots. Finally as we entered a back area we found Claws, but we also found someone else. A tall slender figure with four orange eyes and a small snout. His skin was a pale blue and he immediately turned toward us as we saw him. He said he was running DNA experiments here and he was an Acolyte of the Dr. We managed to defeat him, but I got gravely injured during so. We freed Claws and headed out. He said he had overheard them talking about Finding Warrior DNA for some sort of super weapon. We all had our partings and I thanked GNO for the help. I made a new ally that day but also a troubling discovery. What is this super weapon?
Something dark is happening in the forest
Warrior Guidance (Warrior Event)
A meeting was held to determine what to do about Torn Ops. We had been debating about fighting in the field with them since they were not standing much of a chance themselves. The Warrior's decided that they would help out, and me and Halk would stay back at the base.
The Warriors split ways to help lead the army in the war
Back To Ops (Warrior Event)
Following the decision to have some of the Warriors work in the field also brought up something about my team. We decided to start doing Ops again, even though they had stopped when we rescued the other Warriors. They would run Spec Ops missions to help fuel some further damage in the war.
My team returns to there daily Ops, but this time for the war, not in prep for it
The Battle of Kengler (Warrior Event)
Celebration broke out amongst a lot of us following the Battle of Kengler. Despite being outnumbered and difficult circumstances, we managed to pull out our first major victory since the war began. It boosted our position in th war as well as mine and Torn Ops’s moral. It reminded me that no matter how much loss you receive, you always have a chance.
Lessons are taught, even during a war
The Battle of Quantus (Warrior Event)
I was doing field tests for Gooko with a new powersuit he invented when a planet fell under attack. There were AIMS targeted at me, a lot of them. It was our first glimpse of some of the new technology dread had been throwing around. Thanks to the suit I was able to get back to the home facility, and we called in backup to ward off the invasion fleet.
An invasion is halted thanks to the work of Gooko
Ferno's Compromise (Warrior Event)
A personal feud had been going on between Spike and Andy. Spike and Ferno were close friends, but he got mad whenever she went with Andy. After things got bottled up, and Spike finally lost it, I had a talk with him. It was not fair to him that we had not told him sooner. He seemed to be better about it after I told him about the circumstances Andy and Ferno had been through together. At least he understood.
Spike learns to give space after learning why Ferno and Andy are so close
The Fall of Potius (Warrrior Event)
We imagined Dread would be in outrage after his failure with the AIMS, and we proved right in an unfortunate way. Dread stormed a large amount of his army through the planet of Potius catching us by surprise. He almost gained control of our facility there, our only option was to detonate it. We were forced off the planet and to once again retreat back further.
A brutal defeat lowers morale through Torn Ops
Victory Over Yanis (Warrior Event)
Dr. Dread made a bold move capturing Potius from us, but also a dangerous one on his part. He needed a large amount of his army to take It over. This left a few other planets with thinning defense. We took forward an opportunity and launched an assault on The Planet of Yanis. We managed to gain control without much difficulty and we managed to improve our stance in the war greatly. We were cutting a line through Dread’s defense, and this gave us a major push forward.
We gain a much needed victory in response to losing Potius
A New Foe (Warrior Event)
After a long battle on Dheris, words of a new enemy came to rise. A new right hand man of Dread’s have awoken. It was a Fire lord from the Flame dimension named Helios. He had been banished from it, and he along with an army of various flame beasts he created joined Dread’s forces in return for control of some of the Multiverse to himself.
A new right hand man of Dread's alerts us
Singed by the Flame (Warrior Event)
During a scouting Op, Night and Raven we discovered by Helios. In an attempt to give Raven a chance to escape, he kept them busy by warding them off. He managed to take down many, but by the time RavenWing had already gotten out, he was stunned and captured.
Night gets captured on a scouting mission with Raven
Just Another Rescue Mission (Warrior Event)
Me, Claws, and HawkStalker returned the following day of the incident to free NightHunter from his capture. As we walked back inside though, it did not take much to realize we had fallen into a trap. In an instant we were cornered by Firehounds. Thankfully SwiftBlade appeared just in time to get us out, we managed to free Night but we realized we have to be just as careful with Helios as we are with Dread.
We embark on a journey to rescue Night, but things go bad and SwiftBlade saves us
The Flames of Revenge (Warrior Event)
We had an my team run an Op to give us some Intel on Helios. What we found was not good though. It turns out he was banished from the Flame dimension for on numerous occasions targeting the Phoenix and trying to gain rein over the Multiverse. After learning he had actually come close times to, I really started to worry.
Helios's motives become clear