Spring Site Update!
Yaaaaaaaay! Finally spring (soon anyway), even if Michigan weather is not saying so. Just a small update, massively updated and added...
Organization/Archive Update
I am happy to announce the old squidarmy stuff (from WAY long ago :P) and the old minecraft memes have been moved under the mc projects...

Biggest Update EVER!!!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whoa brand new year with a brand...
Something is coming.
Just a heads up I wanna let you all know something. I am not saying a lot but a soon a TON of things are gonna be changed on this...
Updates Galore!
Hey all its great to be back workin on my site, and with project archive out of the way i am back to fix up some old issues and polish a...
Project Archive Is FINALLY COMPELTE!
I am happy to anounce that project archive release 3 is done and that it is fully complete. Project 303 will be worked on now starting...
After a long summer i am finally getting back to work on my website and various other things, Sorry my prelease work has been useless so...
Project Archive Release 2
I am happy to announce the arrival of archive part 2, a 3rd part will eventually be added as the conclusion to this long project. HAPPY...
Project Archive Release part 1
I have exciting news, release #1 of project archive is complete! Part 1 adds the archive page, and while a bunch of directory pages and...
Project Past is done
hey guys just wannna say project past is done plz check it out and oproject archive will start soon!