The Code of Jahkum
Project Archive Release 3
1) Always obey the will of The Phoenix
2) Never disrespect The Phoenix or The Warriors as a group
3) Carry out your duties, but if you feel they are un-warrior like, you have the right to question them.
4) Never abuse the power in which you are given.
5) You must run check-ups in each part of the Multiverse you are given at least once every 3 months
6) A warrior shall not change the name they are given name, the one you were given was unique to you and you should embrace it.
7) Warrriors should never be cloned, it disrupts the purity of the Warriors.
8) If the Academy is full or unavailable, the one who found the apprentice will become there mentor and shall be taught on the field if necessary.
9) No one should force a person who does not wish to be into the warriorhood.
10) No warrior, once a warrior, shall abandon warriorhood.
11) During training the new warriors will be one on one with there mentor, but at the age of becoming will be put into teams up to 7 warriors.
12) The members in a Warrior team are responsible for each other.
13) Non-warriors shall not use the dimensional portals without a Warrior with them and only with a Warrior's consent.
14) Rogue warriors should not be killed, verses capturing, unless they are ultimately impossible to return themself to a sane state.
15) Breaking the warrior code will result in a Warrior being exiled.
Copied from the Plate of Warriorship
Located in the Ceremonial Room of the Warrior Temple